Our Story

My name is Lorenzo, and I am the founder of Phinix Coffee Cafe. Welcome to Phinix Coffee Café a Veteran Owned Business, where the origins of coffee drinking go back 40 plus years. I remember stopping at the corner store to get a cup of coffee before work with my mom as a 9 year-old youngster. After I started driving, the coffee stops were made by me at a local corner store before taking my mom to work. Coffee made rainy days in Florida feel calm and cozy. Coffee seemed to be a regular routine that I joined early in my life. After leaving home and joining the Air Force and becoming a fire fighter. I was again put in charge of making coffee for the old guys at Maxwell AFB, AL. Throughout my career as an Air Force Fire Fighter coffee was always on and hot for anyone who swung by the fire house at the many locations to include Panama (Howard AFB), Hill AFB Utah, Saudi Arabia (Eskan Village), and Kuwait (Ali Al Salem). Now I’m sharing knowledge with my son (Lorenzo) over a cup of coffee like the past has come full circle. Coffee was and is still a part of my routine and I still love the smell of a great cup of joe. Many conversations, laughs, stories, cries, lessons, gifts, knowledge, complaints, and most of love has been shared over a cup of the black gold. Coffee has transformed my life and it will yours too.

Lorenzo Williams